When you invest in a Bright Kids Day Nurseries franchise, you need to be prepared to invest time and money to succeed. The following will provide you with just some of the key points to think about when starting your journey and the help we can provide to all franchisees
Initial training Training to cover all commercial and operational aspects of
the business using a structured training plan at Head Officc
Business Plan Most lenders will require a business plan and if you have never
done one, don’t worry, we work closely with high street business banks and will
help you to develop a detailed and comprehensive business plan to include
operating profit, cash flow and a customised action plan for your franchise.
Business Management All support is provided to enable you to run the
business successfully. You will work with our dedicated Easy Management
Software System that covers occupancy levels to vacancies as well as weekly
to monthly income breakdowns.
How do I become a Franchisee? Get in contact with us to have an initial
conversation about your goals and ambitions within childcare. We will show
you around one of our existing settings so you can get a feel for what running a
nursery involves.
Location Location is important. We will guide you to the type of property
suitable for your nursery. We work closely with our property consultants and
local estate agents to find a property that is suitable for you and your setting.
You will be involved every step of the way on our journey to find you the most
suitable building for your nursery
Once a suitable premises has been found, we will assist with lease negotiations
and project manage the completion of your nursery. This will include advising
on; fixtures and fittings, furniture, office equipment and computer systems. Our
team will help you design your nursery and guide you through the process from
layout, colour schemes and flooring to achieve that Bright Kids Day Nurseries
hallmark. Finally, we will help you to choose the right learning resources, so,
when you open the doors to your nursery for the very first time, parents and
children will be captivated with the feeling of home away from home
Safety and SecurityFor peace of mind for all our parents, we insist on
CCTV Nursery webcam installed in all our settings. We are so confident in our
practices that we welcome parents to view their children in the rooms they are
based in. The service is encrypted and only available to registered parents.
CCTV security entry systems are also installed in all settings to ensure physical
security of the building.
Education for childrenChildren are active learners, and they need to be
stimulated in a safe, secure, and loving environment where their minds are
constantly challenged. We follow the ‘Early Years Foundation Curriculum’. This
is a national programme set by the Government for children aged from birth
to 5 years old. We complete children’s learning journals online that Parents can
have access to at any time and see how their child is developing and learning
in our settings.
Recruitment To complete the initial start-up of a Bright Kids Day Nurseries, you
will need to employ key staff. We will support you in the recruiting and selection
process and will continue to help you build your team through training and
Legal requirementsAs a nursery provider you will be required to register
with Ofsted (governing body regulated by the Department for Education).
They register and approve all registrations -prior to opening – via a suitable
interview process with you or your nominated person.
Your journeyAs a franchisee, your journey begins upon the receipt of your
Ofsted Registration Certificate. This will make you and your setting a bona fide
member of the Bright Kids Day Nurseries family and will be the commencement
of an exciting and successful relationship for both the Franchisee and
Franchisee involvement Once your nursery is open, in order to make it the
success it can be, you should be willing to participate in all aspects of running
the business. Success is built by knowing your operation inside out and to
execute the Bright Kids Day Nurseries service excellence standards to the best
of your teams ability.
On-going support Our Head Office will provide you with dedicated ongoing
support. Our team are experts in every aspect of the business and our success
ultimately lies with you making a success of your setting.